Floor boards are manufactured bilayer to order. They can be installed in all living areas as well as medium and heavily used public spaces (the use of special curing preparation).
General characteristics of two-layer oak boards: two-layer flooring elements with grooves and tongues (tongue and groove) consisting of two layers - a layer of solid oak (full fin) wear layer and a layer of birch plywood as a support material - suitable organic bonded with adhesive. The use-a "chamfer" along the edge of the board is sanded, wood, natural, healthy, causing allergies - board ready to use on properly prepared surfaces. Top layer of oak wood is protected by two layers. The top coating is subjected to the floorboard in the process of use of natural wear and abrasion.
When spawning, or damage to the coating finishing its restoration is possible (by applying a new layer of local or perform a new coat of paint). Possibly damaged floor decor can be recovered by the manufacturer.
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